Friday, June 17, 2011

Dinner time

Our little Olli is getting so big. Its amazing how fast these little buggers grow up. She's now 5 1/2 months old, and it is time for solid food! I think I was more excited to feed her than she was to try it. She didnt know what to think when I fed her that first bite.

But she quickly learned that when she opened her mouth and said "AHHH" She would get another. In fact when I didn't give her a bite quick enough, she let me know. Loudly she exaggerated the "AHHH" and leaned forward trying to put her face in the bowl. It was really cute.

Apparently I needed some help with the spoon. 

mmmmm....Full and happy!

California and the livin's easy

I've decided to join the mom bragging, I mean blogging club. This way I wont fill everyones facebook page with ridiculously cute pictures of my family, and the fun things were doing. We're not always so cute, and not always so fun, but we love each other and try to enjoy everyday. We recently were able to spend a week with the Fillpots, in southern California. ( Thank you Suzanne for inspiring me to start a blog... and lose 20 pounds). We had SO much fun enjoying the California sun with their family.

You would think we were crazy people for taking a four month old on a 12 hour road trip, but Oliv was a trooper. When I wasn't reading "Moo, Baa, La La La,"(a book I now have memorized), she was doing a lot of this.....
We started playing as soon as we arrived. Delicious fish tacos on the pier accompanied by swinging on the sand in Ventura.

Oliv LOVES her cousins!

We absolutely loved spending time at the beach. It was a hot day. Oliv was a little unsure about the cold water. (like her mom).

Matt and Shannon even came out for the day. Thanks Fillpots for the fun Vaca!!! I hope to be out there sooner than later.